Course curriculum

  • 1
    Challenge Workbook
    • Download The Challenge Workbook
  • 2
    Week 1 Challenge
    • Why Willpower Doesn't Work, Self-Signaling, and Psychological Upgrades
    • Why Willpower Doesn't Work, Self-Signaling, and Psychological Upgrades (Audio Only + Description)
  • 3
    Week 2 Challenge
    • Troubleshooting, Enriching Environments, & Recovery
    • Troubleshooting, Enriching Environments, & Recovery (Audio Only + Description)
  • 4
    Week 3 Challenge
    • Forcing Functions, Environment, & Investment
    • Forcing Functions, Environment, & Investment (Audio Only + Description)
  • 5
    Week 4 Challenge
    • Success Moving Forward
    • Success Moving Forward (Audio Only + Description)
  • 6
    Challenge Debrief
    • Challenge Debrief
    • Challenge Debrief (Audio Only + Description)